Ayib (Ethiopian Cheese) Recipe

Ayib (Ethiopian Cheese) Recipe

Jordan Melaku

Ayib is a fresh Ethiopian cheese that is actually pretty perfect to balance out a spicy meal. Sometimes, people use sour cream or plain yogurt to balance out the spices.

However, the perfect pairing is really make Ayib. 

I have had it served with Kitfo, or collard greens, but it is also just good on the side of any berbere based meal.

So, with Covid, I have been cooking a lot more at home and trying new things.

I have started to follow Adane on Youtube.

She is pretty amazing.

Her is her link to her Ayib recipe- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC3KDTuHEr0

Her website is: howtocookgreatethiopian.com

However, I just tried to access it and had problems. Not sure what is going on with that.


In any case, her recipe was pretty easy, and it came out really good.

I like this recipe because it was simple and did not require any special equipment.

I did not need to use Vinegar, not did I need a cheesecloth or anything special. I just used a strainer/colandar.


Here are a few of my pictures:

  • started with 1 quart of Cultured Buttermilk
    • Red ginger Spices
  • simmered on low
    • Red Ginger Spices Ayib cooking
  • after about 40 minutes, you can see the water separated
    • Red ginger spices Ayib separating
  • I let it cool on top of another pot that contained cold water. I only did this, like her, to speed up the cooling
    • Red Ginger Spices Ayib Cooling
  • here is the final product, draining in my colandar, and ready to eat
    • Red Ginger Spices Ayib final
  • the quantity was small enough to finish in 1 setting with my family.

Good Luck. Share you pictures as well.



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