Ethiopian Shiro

Ethiopian Shiro

Jordan Melaku

I am highlighting food this time around.

My family loves Shiro. It is my daughter's favorite dish, and if we go to an Ethiopian restaurant, she can't understand if they run out. Shiro can be purchased as White Shiro or Red (Mitin shiro). My favorite Ethiopian food is always "Red", meaning, it has to have Berbere as berbere is my favorite Spice. I use it everywhere, not just in Ethiopian dishes, but also in traditional American dishes.

For example, I sprinkle berbere on my pizza. Tonight, I cooked a fish dish with homemade chimichurri sauce, but I used berbere instead of crushed red pepper.

See recipe below, but use Berbere instead of the Crushed Red Pepper-

Ok, back to Shiro. Shiro is a vegetarian dish with the primary ingredient of crushed chickpeas. Different regions in Ethiopian cook it differently in texture. I kind of like it smooth. Our son prefers it thicker, whereas our daughter likes it prepared somewhere in the middle.

Here is a picture of a Great dish in Ethiopia that won my approval.

Red Ginger Spices - Shiro with Injera

Check out our product offering for Berbere and Shiro. 

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